domingo, maio 29, 2005


Oxigênio e Saúde - 13

Já que temos falado sobre água oxigenada, acabo de receber um e-mail [vide abaixo] sugerindo seu uso para combater a gripe [causada por um vírus e, portanto, matável com H2O2, evitando a vacina]. Basicamente, a remetente sugere colocar 2 gotas
de H2O2 10 volumes [= 3%] em cada ouvido antes de ir dormir [deve fazer um pouco de barulho no ouvido, mas não precisa se apavorar com isso, são os vírus da gripe morrendo!]. Se a garganta também já estiver incomodando, ela sugere que se faça, adicionalmente, um bom gargarejo com esta água até aliviar esse incômodo. A dica está dada [funcionou para a pessoa do e-mail abaixo].

Um abraço, Rui.

"This has worked for me. Be blessed, Patti

The Flu Shot [avoid it!]

The flu season has arrived. I saw a commercial on the TV, and it told me so. And I saw the sad line-ups of people looking to be saved from this menace. Instead of assaulting your immune system with a vaccine or buying their symptom suppressant, try this:

Take two drops of 3% H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) in both ears before retiring each night. The flu virus enters the ears, not the mouth. It has a short life span but while there, it lays its eggs and once hatched, they proceed
into the body hatching more as they travel eventually ending up in the lungs. If you feel for the first time a tickle in the throat, this means it's where they have progressed and in a couple days, they will be in the lungs. Gargling with H2O2 until the tickle stops will quite often kill them in the throat if caught soon enough.

If you use preventive measures now, you won't need any luck getting through another season. Of course if your immune system is strong, it alone will fight off the buggers and you need not worry about becoming another statistic."

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