sexta-feira, dezembro 30, 2005
Sob Gravidade Zero
O corpo humano, sob o efeito de gravidade zero (ou gravidade muito pequena, chamada de microgravidade), se comporta de forma bastante diferente daquela que estamos acostumados, na gravidade normal da superfície externa terrestre. Nestas condições, o corpo flutua (levita, boia). Neste planeta existem três locais em que podemos colocar o nosso corpo em condição de gravidade zero: em órbita ao redor do planeta, em grandes volumes de água (mar, lagos, piscinas, banheiras, etc) na superfície externa do planeta e em uma região específica entre as superfícies externa e interna desta nosssa Terra Oca [vide postagem de 07.08.2005 intitulada "Mensagens das Civilizações Intraterrenas"].
O livro Etidorhpa [1] comenta sobre essa região de gravidade zero na crosta terrestre. Nele observamos o seguinte:
1. O personagem envelhecido artificialmente, chamado "Eu-Sou-O-Homem"
[ESOH], e conduzido por um guia não-nomeado [sem olhos, mas que enxergava
tudo], foi levado para um local onde existia uma infinidade de cabeças
humanas vivas enfileiradas em uma matriz de linhas e colunas. Esta descrição
concorda exatamente com uma cena do Inferno no filme "Amor além da Vida"
[disponível em video locadoras], em que o personagem principal [Robbin
Williams] vai buscar sua esposa pintora no inferno, no interior da crosta terrestre.
[ESOH], e conduzido por um guia não-nomeado [sem olhos, mas que enxergava
tudo], foi levado para um local onde existia uma infinidade de cabeças
humanas vivas enfileiradas em uma matriz de linhas e colunas. Esta descrição
concorda exatamente com uma cena do Inferno no filme "Amor além da Vida"
[disponível em video locadoras], em que o personagem principal [Robbin
Williams] vai buscar sua esposa pintora no inferno, no interior da crosta terrestre.
2. Quando ESOH vai se aproximando da região de gravidade zero
[aproximadamente a 700 milhas abaixo da superfície externa da Terra], ele
vai comendo cada vez menos e a sua pulsação e respiração vão diminuindo. Quando
chegam na região de gravidade zero, há zero de comida ingerida, zero de pulsação e
zero de respiração, mas 100% de vida física [zero de sono]! Os dois [ESOH e o seu guia] pularam
em um precipício, próximo do local de gravidade zero, e ficaram sujeitos a um
movimento oscilatório amortecido em torno da superfície de gravidade zero.
Após a oscilação acabar eles ficaram flutuando [parados] no local de
gravidade zero e ESOH ficou com medo que ali seria o local de seu túmulo eterno, pois
não via como sair daquele ponto da atmosfera [ele não queria chutar o seu
guia - único ponto de apoio disponível, para não se perder no interior do
planeta]: aí o guia deu a solução! Naquele local especial [gravidade zero] a
propriedade de "mente sobre a matéria" é TOTAL! Bastou eles PENSAREM em se
deslocar para a beirada do precipício e eles foram para lá!
Ao subirmos em altura, a partir da superfície terrestre externa [nas
grandes montanhas, por exemplo], a força da gravidade vai diminuindo e,
portanto, todos os fatos notáveis acima passam a ficar mais fáceis de serem
atingidos. Veja uma passagem que retirei da internet:
"Of course, it has been pointed out that in the mountains one may sleep
and eat much less, as the necessity for both appreciably decreases there..."
Os corpos de todos os seres animais e vegetais aumentam de tamanho com a diminuição da gravidade. É fato constatado que os astronautas que ficam muito tempo em órbita, aumentam sua altura. Isto está, também, coerente com a informação de que todos os animais, seres humanos e vegetação presente na superfície interna da terra oca, onde a gravidade é menor do que aqui na superfície externa ("no telhado de nossa casa planetária"), possuem tamanhos maiores que os da nossa superfície.
Os astronautas, antes de seguirem para orbitar o planeta, treinam em piscinas, onde simulam a contento a condição de gravidade zero. Será que nós não teríamos algo a ganhar, usando esses locais de gravidade zero: mar, rios, piscinas, banheiras, etc.?? A resposta é um retumbante sim!
Confirmando este "retumbante sim", o imortalista Leonard Orr conta o seguinte em um de seus livros [2]: "Meu amigo Igor Tscharkovsky passou trinta dias consecutivos em uma piscina cheia de água, 24 horas por dia. Não apenas se curou de todas suas enfermidades como também se converteu em um gênio." Vejam como essa afirmação se harmoniza com a frase "A água cura tudo" (pelo seu uso externo, neste caso), título da minha série de postagens que se iniciaram em 24.03.05.
Uma outra pessoa que comenta sobre esse assunto é o escritor David Icke, em sua Newsletter semanal de 11 de novembro de 2005, que reproduzo abaixo. Em resumo, ele teve basicamente uma excelente sessão de meditação em um "tanque de flutuação", onde a sensação de se estar sem peso vem da alta concentração de sais de Epson na água do tanque. Isto possibilita uma relaxação profunda, baixando todas suas funções orgânicas e as atividades do cérebro e da mente. Isto acalma o lado esquerdo (racional/consciente/lógico/analítico) do cérebro e o faz entrar em um estado de profundo descanço, com diminuição de sua atividade, permitindo um acesso ao lado direito (criativo/intuitivo/sentimental) do cérebro - que controla prioritariamente o lado esquerdo do corpo. Especificamente, Icke diz que os batimentos cardíacos diminui, assim como a pressão arterial e todo o sistema elétrico do corpo. A respiração também decresce, pois o corpo passa a consumir menos oxigênio. A produção de ácido lático decresce e sua eliminação do sistema se faz mais rápida. Essas transformações levam a uma cura mental e emocional. Somos limitados apenas pelo nosso sentimento de limitação (processado pelo hemisfério esquerdo) e quando vamos para um estado de flutuação este sentimento fica sem limitação.

Hello all,
I mentioned briefly last week about my first go in a float 'tank' and it was such a fantastic experience I am going to expand on the subject a little. I saw a quote in one Internet report which said 'I found God in water closet' and I know what they mean.
I have written often about the way the five senses hold us in this illusory reality. It is not that there is anything wrong with the 'physical senses', only that the way the world has been manipulated most people are aware only of those senses and not the multi-dimensional, infinite, 'I' where all of us are one.
If you look at 'modern' society its entire focus is aimed at captivating the senses of sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste. This, and the suppression of information in 'education' and media about our infinite nature, has locked billions into the illusory micro-world of 'physical' reality. As I said in my last book, Infinite Love Is The Only Truth, Everything Else Is Illusion, humanity has become a collective prisoner of the DNA. It sees, hears, feels, smells and tastes (all just electrical signals interpreted by the brain), but it does not 'know' - the realm of the infinite.
Over the last 16 years t! here hav e been many occasions when I have entered that infinite level of consciousness beyond the vibratory veil where all is one. It happened in 2003 by taking the psycho-active potion called ayahuasca in the Brazilian rainforest and it has happened spontaneously many times since. It certainly happened during my two recent sessions in a float tank because the effect is to unlock the mind from the cell of the senses.
It appears that the idea of the floatation tank goes back to 1954 and a man called Dr. John C. Lilly. He was a medical practitioner and neuro-psychiatrist trying to understand the origin of consciousness and its relation to the brain. He wanted to create a means of restricting external stimuli to see how people reacted in an atmosphere of isolation. What he devised were known at first as Sens! ory Deprivation tanks, but today the usual term is Restricted Environmental Stimuli Therapy, or R.E.S.T.
Whatever the name, you float weightless in water and the effect is incredible. The sense of being weightless comes from the high concentration of Epsom Salts, which creates the density in the shallow water necessary for the body to float effortlessly. You just lie back and float without doing anything, it's the most wonderful feeling. Your mind continues in the darkness and silence to chatter for a while and that's no problem because gradually, without trying, the mind goes quiet as 'knowing' replaces 'thought'. After a while I did not feel part of my body anymore and the sense of relaxation was indescribable. As one Internet explanation said:

On the physical level the heart rate slows, as does blood pressure and the entire electrical system of the body. Breathing also decreases as the body demands and consumes less oxygen. The production of lactic acid decreases and its elimination from the system quickens and becomes more efficient. Lactic acid is connected with muscle pain and anxiety and thus these symptoms are eased in the floatation state. There is a multi level transformation of mental and physical activity that leads to mental and emotional healing - indeed the two are the same, one a reflection of the other.
The experience can also open the creative channels as it bypasses the 'rational' - left brain - mind and allows the right brain the freedom to connect with the infinite self where the creative force, inspiration, intuitive knowing, is boundless and without limit. We are only limited by our sense of limitation and where I went in the floatation state there are no limits or awareness of them.
In my experience, anyway, if you want to know what oneness feels like then the floatation tank is a good place to start.
I mentioned briefly last week about my first go in a float 'tank' and it was such a fantastic experience I am going to expand on the subject a little. I saw a quote in one Internet report which said 'I found God in water closet' and I know what they mean.
I have written often about the way the five senses hold us in this illusory reality. It is not that there is anything wrong with the 'physical senses', only that the way the world has been manipulated most people are aware only of those senses and not the multi-dimensional, infinite, 'I' where all of us are one.
If you look at 'modern' society its entire focus is aimed at captivating the senses of sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste. This, and the suppression of information in 'education' and media about our infinite nature, has locked billions into the illusory micro-world of 'physical' reality. As I said in my last book, Infinite Love Is The Only Truth, Everything Else Is Illusion, humanity has become a collective prisoner of the DNA. It sees, hears, feels, smells and tastes (all just electrical signals interpreted by the brain), but it does not 'know' - the realm of the infinite.
Over the last 16 years t! here hav e been many occasions when I have entered that infinite level of consciousness beyond the vibratory veil where all is one. It happened in 2003 by taking the psycho-active potion called ayahuasca in the Brazilian rainforest and it has happened spontaneously many times since. It certainly happened during my two recent sessions in a float tank because the effect is to unlock the mind from the cell of the senses.
It appears that the idea of the floatation tank goes back to 1954 and a man called Dr. John C. Lilly. He was a medical practitioner and neuro-psychiatrist trying to understand the origin of consciousness and its relation to the brain. He wanted to create a means of restricting external stimuli to see how people reacted in an atmosphere of isolation. What he devised were known at first as Sens! ory Deprivation tanks, but today the usual term is Restricted Environmental Stimuli Therapy, or R.E.S.T.
Whatever the name, you float weightless in water and the effect is incredible. The sense of being weightless comes from the high concentration of Epsom Salts, which creates the density in the shallow water necessary for the body to float effortlessly. You just lie back and float without doing anything, it's the most wonderful feeling. Your mind continues in the darkness and silence to chatter for a while and that's no problem because gradually, without trying, the mind goes quiet as 'knowing' replaces 'thought'. After a while I did not feel part of my body anymore and the sense of relaxation was indescribable. As one Internet explanation said:
'The deep relaxation that occurs during a floatation tank session, slowing down the bodily functions, also slows down the activity of the brain and in turn the mind. This allows the conscious/logical/rational and analytical part of the mind to enter a state of deep rest and to be bypassed. The individual can then experience a shift into deeper levels of the mind; the unconscious mind described as the feeling/creative mind in medical psychology and hypnosis.
This shift is very important because it enables the left hemisphere of the brain associated with the thinking/logical mind to have a decrease in its activity enabling the right hemisphere of the brain to be acces! sed, empowering the feeling/creative and intuitive aspects of the patient.
This is one more reason that explains a sense of balance and wellbeing in the patient's everyday life when using floatation tanks; Recent research has shown more and more the importance of having a good balance of activity between the two cerebral hemispheres to guarantee a better state of physical, mental, and emotional health.'
This shift is very important because it enables the left hemisphere of the brain associated with the thinking/logical mind to have a decrease in its activity enabling the right hemisphere of the brain to be acces! sed, empowering the feeling/creative and intuitive aspects of the patient.
This is one more reason that explains a sense of balance and wellbeing in the patient's everyday life when using floatation tanks; Recent research has shown more and more the importance of having a good balance of activity between the two cerebral hemispheres to guarantee a better state of physical, mental, and emotional health.'

On the physical level the heart rate slows, as does blood pressure and the entire electrical system of the body. Breathing also decreases as the body demands and consumes less oxygen. The production of lactic acid decreases and its elimination from the system quickens and becomes more efficient. Lactic acid is connected with muscle pain and anxiety and thus these symptoms are eased in the floatation state. There is a multi level transformation of mental and physical activity that leads to mental and emotional healing - indeed the two are the same, one a reflection of the other.
The experience can also open the creative channels as it bypasses the 'rational' - left brain - mind and allows the right brain the freedom to connect with the infinite self where the creative force, inspiration, intuitive knowing, is boundless and without limit. We are only limited by our sense of limitation and where I went in the floatation state there are no limits or awareness of them.
In my experience, anyway, if you want to know what oneness feels like then the floatation tank is a good place to start.
[1] Etidorhpa,
[2] Leonard Orr, Manual de Sanación: Técnicas para poseer y dominar nuestro cuerpo y nuestra propia divinidad, Editorial Las Acacias-Argentina, pg. 32, 2005.
Marcadores: David Icke, gravidade zero, terra oca