sexta-feira, maio 03, 2024
Desastres Naturais que são ARTIFICIAIS !
Isso concluiu o teste. Tesla observou os jornais e enviou telegramas para Peary na esperança de confirmar a efetividade do raio da morte. Nada apareceu. Tesla estava pronto para admitir derrota quando recebeu notícias de um estranho evento ocorrido na Sibéria.
Em 30 de junho, uma enorme explosão havia devastado Tunguska, uma área remota na floresta da Sibéria. Quinhentos mil acres quadrados de terra foram instantaneamente destruídos, o equivalente a quinze metanos de TNT. O incidente de Tunguska é a mais poderosa explosão ocorrida na história, nem mesmo subsequentes explosões termonucleares ultrapassaram sua força. A explosão foi audível a 930 quilômetros de distância, aproximadamente. Os cientistas crêem que ela foi causada por um meteorito ou fragmento de um cometa, embora nenhum impacto evidente ou restos minerais de tal objeto jamais tenham sido encontrados.
Nikola Tesla tinha uma explicação diferente. Era claro para ele que seu raio da morte tinha ultrapassado seu alvo calculado e atingido Tunguska. Ele ficou extremamente grato que a explosão, miraculosamente, não matou ninguém. Tesla desmontou o raio da morte imediatamente, crendo-o muito perigoso para continuar existindo.
Seis anos mais tarde, o fim da primeira guerra mundial fez com que Tesla reconsiderasse. Ele escreveu ao presidente Wilson, revelando o segredo do teste do raio da morte, oferecendo-se para reconstruí-lo para o departamento de Guerra. A mera ameaça de tamanha força destrutiva faria com que as nações em guerra concordassem em estabelecer-se a paz imediatamente..."
Scalar Weather Wars:
Hurricane Katrina and the Rape of New Orleans
by: Stefan Grossmann,
Monday, 8-29-2005
1. The Bush Jr. regime is a hair’s breadth away from collapsing in chaos, infamy and insanity as the truth radio is about to break the story how G. W. Bush fraud bribed his way into the White House in late 2000. See separate news coverage coming soon.
What happens in such situations is: News diversions are orchestrated in order to take away the public’s attention from the homespun disasters. Such as, a whale strands in the arctic and all the oil-soaked spy-riddled mainstream media babble about stranded whales for days or even weeks until the news about the actual catastrophe at home is forgotten and, for practical purposes, suppressed.
This well-known routine is happening again. As the to-be-covered-up news event (Bush bribed his way into the White House) is so huge, the cover-up ploy is also huge: A scalar-engineered hurricane named Katrina. The shadow government has decided to sacrifice an entire city, New Orleans, to cover up the coming news of bribery and in order to further rig the price of oil.
2. Weather engineering includes the blow-up of small hurricanes into large ones. The technology is zealously denied by so-called meterologists and physicists, but it exists anyhow. It has been described, for example, by veteran Pentagon scientist and scalar researcher Col. Tom Bearden at his huge web site, Here are some quotes (in finer print):
Soviet Weather Engineering over North America
This taped presentation, which was made in 1985, is included for historical reference purposes only. Since then, the technology has been developed into more rigorous longitudinal EM wave interferometry, which is the exact nature of those earlier weather engineering weapons. The foundations of scalar electro-magnetics are well explained in this presentation.
U.S. Defence Secretary Cohen expresses concern about eco-terrorism using scalar electromagnetic weapons.
„Others [terrorists] are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves... So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations...It's real, and that's the reason why we have to intensify our [counterterrorism] efforts.“
Sites relacionados: ["controle da população mundial"]
Marcadores: desastre, desastre artificial, HAARP, Katrina